Alarm v2 Update 1
I’m glad to introduce you next update for my Security firmware.
Now it can be used not only as a Security System but You can use it as Smart HK sensors.

Major improvements
Output managment
Now You can set GPIO as outputs and make them interact with system events.
Sensor or Complex System
Decide how this firmware will work in yours HK ecosystem. You can use it as a Sensors or whole security solution with many unique functionalities
Smart Sensors
You can set many individual features which cannot be defined in normal sensors.
For example trigger delay, triger active time, time extends and others.
Define as amy outputs and actions on them as You need,
You can add LED to indicate system status, integrade it with others systems or add relay for siren or lights.
To start:
1) Download and burn my firmware
2) Connect Wifi
3) After successful joining wifi network go to IP address using You web browser (check your DHCP router) to adjust settings and run Homekit Server.
4) Now pair Alarm in Your home App.
Homekit don’t like to change sensors in accessorie!
So it’s better to remove alarm first to add or remove sensors.
Example: You can setup two contact sensors for just one Input for main doors.
One for light: trigger when doors open, and active time 300s (extended on each triggers). And secound to detect Door close with delay trigger 120s.
So when doors open light’s will come on contact open. And another start’s counting. If door will not be closed at a time below the set value, secound sensors will trigger and turn light up red. If you close the door before delay trigger expiry, sensor will stay clear.
- You can set output signal shape: Constant, Intermittent or Single
- Outputs can be triggered on System change state or sensors triggers.
- You don’t have to get angry when you set delayed switching off You light. Now You can set time for it in a sensors.
- You can set up blinking LED diode for arming system, green permanently for sistem disarmed and red for armed
Hi, thank you for your work, I am trying the V3 alarm system but I have a problem, after I log into the web interface and set the sensor, I click on Run Homekit but I don’t see anything in the Homekit app. I use a Wemos D1 mini. some advice?
After run homekit server you need to pair device as regular homekit accessories:
There can I find the source code?
i’m only publishing compiled bin files.
I’m thinking of making a Homebridge pet feeder for my dogs and cats.
Without planing to build a dispenser for scratch, I plan to make changes to existing pet dispenser. It has got a Limit Sensor, DC motor, and Food level sensor.
Can you help me integrate this with HomeKit?
Some functions
Limit Sensor – to calculate the quart of food to dispense. Preferably I would like to have two options. One button for 1 quart and another for 2 quart
Food level sensor- will send a notification when the feeder is low in food.
Ho creato due sensori a contatto e collegato tutto ad homekit.
L’unico problema è che dopo un po si scollega e non è più raggiungibile, quindi devo togliere l’alimentazione al nodemcu e poi ridargliela per vederlo in linea. sbaglio qualcosa?
Non capisco bene. funziona tutto e il sistema si blocca?
Almost perfect! 🙂 But I said it before, it need reset configuration pin. What I mean? Please use the scenario in your home: 1) Download and burn my firmware 2) Connect Wifi 3) After successful joining wifi network go to IP address using You web browser (check your DHCP router) to adjust settings and run Homekit Server. 4) Now pair Alarm in Your home App. *** OH! I have forgotten to configure my one of sensor on configuration page(step3) *** So, there is no way to go back step 3. Device always try to run homekit even deleting it in… Read more »
I’ll try to add some phisical option for reset. Now as i mention in other post You can go to EVE app and there’s option webPanel when You turn it on system will reboot and go to „step 3” with webPanel enabled so You can change settings, reset wifi or reset homekit paring.

You are right but think about that scenario, after 2 years, You decided to add one more sensor your home alarm. There is no guarantee eve app support continuously. Maybe next update, web panel button will disappear. Besides, phone, iPad or Mac aren’t sometimes useful to control. For example, they are far away to you, maybe in next room or another room. There must be physical button which opens or closes the alarm. (I think it must change between off-home) I say that, one button is enough. You can combine it. short press change the state, long press reset the… Read more »
non ho capito come si configurano i pin per i sensori in uscita. dove collego ad esempio un sensore di contatto porta?
hai impostato tutto come preferisci in webPanel.