Paring Dziky accessories
After succesfuly chip flashing it’s time to configure it and pair with Your home app.
First You need to connect ESP to Your Wifi network.
Go to wifi networks in Your mobile and try to find one looking like Dziky-XXXXXX.
Connect to it and wait for captiva portal to be displayed with all found WIFI networks.
Select Yours and type password. Click Join. AP Mode will be disabled and ESP will automaticly connect to wifi.
Go to home app and add accessory paring code is:
You can scan Barcode:
Hi Arek,
I tried your gesture controller. After succesfully chip flashing a Wemos D1 mini and trying to connect to my WIFI over captiva portal nothing happens. The Dziky-XXX cannot connect to my 2.4GHz Network although it is shown and password is set correct. Router is a Fritzbox 6490.
Any ideas?
Try in You have some security enabled. For example MAC filtering etc. Try to don’t use language specific letters in You’re password.
If You have posibility try to connect to diffrent WIFI and check if problem will occur again.
Meanwhile I get WIFI connection to work by resetting the D1 mini and again flashing with your .bin Files. By the way the values in your nodemcu-flasher shows other address-values as in your text. I first flashed with those of your screenshot with no success. Only those values of your description seem to be the right ones..
Now there is a problem in the pairing-process within Apple’s Home App. The Gestures Sensor is shown, but when adding it, I get an error message that Gestures Sensor could not added because of no connection to the sensor.
Did You solder the sensor? It’s i2c so connection is very sesitive.
I got the sensor working today. The connections were probably too bad. Many thanks for the excellent work!
Glad to hear that:) i’m looking for new challenges so hope You have something that You dream of?? Just let me know:)
Hey Arek, indeed I have a lot of ideas for sensors and actuators. At the moment I am experimenting with sensors that count movement-directions of people into rooms to let the smarthome-system “know”, if there is at least 1 person in a room to switch light. All commercial movement sensors (Philips HUE, Aqara, Ikea) are much too inaccurate and too slow for those reliable circuits I want to realize. My prototype with 2 IR-Sensors already works very good and fast, but I need much more sensor range of meters instead of cm. Maybe you’re interested in this project?
I have a Solution For such occupacy sensor. I’m waiting for hardware from aliexpress and soon i’ll publish idea and Solution For that.
That sounds great. Please let me know, if your hardware works 🙂
One more thing: For energy saving I recommend deactivating the internal LED of the ESP8266. Could you do an firmware-update for that?
One more thing 🙂 Is it possible to change all Gesture Sensor Buttons in HomeKit from Moving Sensors to Stateless Button? So you could directly configure Switching-Automations in Home App?
i think You can make automation based on triggering sensor. In first project i add Stateless Button but it can be configure as a 3 actions only so for 9 guestures it’s fine it’ll show as 3 buttons but what about other sensors like APDS-99XX where some of them can recognize only 4, so we can’t divide it as a separate buttons 🙁
My idea is to setup 9 Stateless Buttons for every gesture, as the sensor is more a switch than a motion sensor. The Buttons don’t need 3 states but only 1 . Sure I can make automations based on triggering sensors, but Stateless Buttons give the ability to directly configure the action within the Button window itself. I don’t have to go to Automations-page. BTW: Isn’t there a difference in resetting time between Triggering sensor and Stateless Buttons in HomeKit? I think Triggering sensors have larger duration to switch off the motion. So a Stateless Button should switch faster between… Read more »
I’ll try to make performance tests both with buttons and sensors. There’s lots of settings in i2c read timing so i’ll try to find better one.
Sure, i’ll add some new features for config and new sensors.
Is there a config for Users???
is being created Right now:) will be similar to other of my projects with webPanel. This firmware is one of my first homekit accessories so there was no webPanel, but it’ll change soon:)
I’m already very excited!!!
Another idea 😉 What’s about the missing gestures “forward-backward”, “backward-forward”, “left-right”, “right-left”, “up-down”, “down-up”. In the library demo these gestures work very reliably (quite different from wave, clockwise, anti-clockwise, which are often misinterpreted by the sensor). It would be great for users to config only those gestures they would like to use. What do you think? 🙂
Sure it’s always better to have flexible options and decide yourself. I think those guesture are not recognized from sensor and have to be implemented independly but it’s posible